The Jura marble expert
Kaldorf’s first Jura marble quarries were opened around 50 years ago. Vereinigte Marmorwerke Kaldorf was founded in 1971 and has since grown from a small business into a modern natural stone company with its own quarries and production facilities. Numerous famous customers at home and abroad have bolstered the company’s reputation as a specialist in Jura marble. Thus Jura marble from Kaldorf now adorns the façades of Copenhagen’s Opera
House, the New Museum of Liverpool and buildings in Skolkovo near Moscow, known as “Russia’s Silicon Valley”. Blocks of Jura marble are also mined from the company’s quarries for use in floors, wall elements, staircases, and gardening and landscaping applications. A 120-strong workforce in Kaldorf ensures that individual customer requirements can be implemented to the letter.